So Proud of You Brandon
Airman Spotlight: SSgt Brandon H. Parker Posted 3/25/2014 Updated 3/25/2014
Staff Sgt. Brandon Parker, 51st Force Support Squadron force management supervisor, poses for a photo at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, March 24, 2014. Parker is this week’s Airman Spotlight winner. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Siuta B. Ika)
by Staff Reports 51st Fighter Wing Public Affairs 3/25/2014 - OSAN AIR BASE, Republic of Korea -- Unit: 51st Force Support Squadron Job title: Force Management Supervisor Job description and its impact on the overall mission: I supervise and perform personnel activities and functions, including personnel action requests; source documents; unit, field, and master personnel records. I update military personnel data system (MilPDS) records and manage Air Force retention programs (UIFs), assist military personnel in making career decisions, and advise on benefit programs. I also ensure compliance with all appropriate policies, directives, and procedures. War-time mission: PDRF Team member achieving and maintaining 100% personnel accountability of all received and deployed forces "Ready to Fight Tonight." Time in the military: Seven years Time at Osan: Seven months DEROS: Aug. 2015 Family: My father, Ezell Parker; mother Angela White-Parker; and brother Malcolm Parker Hometown: Bellflower, Calif. Hobbies: Honor Guard member, photography, working out, PS4 gamer, and sneaker collector Why did you join the military? I always wanted to join, but was unsure of the military. I tried college, and excelled at it! Then I worked in the mall for a couple of years, working at shoe stores and things of that nature. No one in my direct family was in the military but my recruiter talked me into it. I had known people from high school in the Jr. ROTC and they all advised me to go Air Force as well. I honestly just wanted to serve and get some direction in my life. I came in as open Administrative and have been working as a personnelist for a few years and I am truly happy that I made the decision to join the military, especially the Air Force. Where do you see yourself in 10 or 20 years? In 10 years I see myself continuing to grow with the Air Force and holding leadership positions that reflect my hard work, commitment and dedication towards the core values. In 20 years see myself retired from the Air Force and enjoying my weekends in my dream house. What do you do for fun here? Watch movies in 4D. What's your favorite Air Force memory or story? Deploying to Africa. What accomplishment are you most proud of? I was part of the Joint Honor Guard detail for the 7th AF annual awards, POW/MIA, and Battle Field ceremonies. I was honored to be collaborate with our sister services and represent the Air Force. Who are your role models? My parents, Michael Jordan and Eric Thomas (the "Hip Hop Preacher") |